3 Types of Mold To Be Aware Of
There is a broad range of mold that exists throughout the world, some of which are benign and relatively harmless. Conversely, there are a few types that can be very dangerous and might be found living in your south Florida home. If you’re unsure as to whether you have any of the 3 following strains of mold growing in your home, schedule a mold inspection to find out. If the inspector determines that there is a problem, it’s important to address the issue immediately and have it remediated.
- Aspergillis – as one of the more common types of mold fungus, Aspergillus results when homes suffer water damage. It exists indoors and outdoors and easily triggers certain illnesses that affect the respiratory system, one of which is Aspergillosis. Most strains of the fungus are relatively harmless. However, a few are capable of causing serious illness when individuals who have asthma, underlying lung disease, or a weakened immune system inhale their spores.
- Chaetomium – this type of mold is usually found in water-damaged drywall. It’s easily recognized by its greyish-olive color and the unpleasant odor that it gives off. This type of mold can be found throughout the world. Chaetomium starts out as a fuzzy, whitish growth that turns blue-green as it matures. Spores are a dark brown color and have the appearance of a fat football. You’ll find this mold on surfaces that contain cellulose such as ceiling tiles, drywall, and wood. Prolonged exposure to Chaetomium can lead to respiratory infections in individuals who have a compromised immune system.
- Stachybotrys – commonly referred to as “black mold”, Stachybotrys is the one mold variant you should always be on the lookout for in south Florida. It releases its spores as when feeding on organic materials such as carpeting, drywall, insulation, and the sub-flooring of your home after prolonged exposure to moisture. Black mold typically produces flu-like symptoms including coughing, eye irritations, fatigue, rashes, and sneezing. It’s crucial to watch out for this type of mold if there are immunocompromised individuals, seniors, or young children living in the home.
The best solution to these 3 types of mold issues is the prevention of their growth and spread throughout your home. Although people are concerned about the cost of a mold inspection, this is far cheaper than the damage repairs and, more importantly, the health issues that could result from prolonged exposure to these different fungi.
For additional information regarding the above content, or to get a no-obligation, free quote, please contact Florida Inspections Unlimited at 954-861-0666 today.