A Basic Guide to the 4-Step Mold Inspection
When it comes to the removal of mold from any Florida home, the first step in the remediation process should be a professional mold inspection. If you have a certified technician doing the inspection, you already have an advantage against this pesky, unhealthy fungus. A professional mold inspection typically includes visually inspecting the mold, taking samples of it, testing the air quality, and performing mold tests in a lab. Additionally, they do the mold remediation with their team or call in the experts based on the evaluated reports. Here is a breakdown of what is involved.
A visual inspection is the first step – although a visual inspection won’t detect those microscopic spores floating around in the air, this is a good starting point. Mold testers see things differently than you do. They know the telltale signs of an infestation such as spots and stains on carpeting and walls or the smell associated with mold growth. The visual inspection is non-invasive. In fact, many remediation companies do it for FREE.
Checking for moisture and mold damage – the more obvious accumulations of mold must be removed as soon as possible and the contaminated surface area cleaned. Because mold thrives in moist, warm areas, it loves water. It may be getting in through a leaky roof or pipe. If the inspector suspects that this is the case, they may advise you to have a home inspection performed. Make sure you enlist the services of a certified, fully insured and licensed home inspector if you do this.
Air quality testing – if mold spores are floating around in the air inside your home, you’re breathing them in every day. There’s no way to avoid it. Although many types of mold aren’t harmful, there are others that produce harmful mycotoxins (toxic substances produced by fungi). Prolonged exposure to mycotoxins often poses a serious health risk, especially for individuals suffering with asthma and other respiratory conditions. Mold testing usually includes indoor and outdoor air samples which provides the mold inspector with a comparison and give them clues as to how it is getting into your home.
Swabbing samples for lab testing – there are thousands of species of mold, some of which are more harmful and/or prevalent than others. Mold inspectors will collect samples for lab testing and analysis in order to formulate a successful removal strategy. In many cases, the company that provides the inspection also offers mold remediation. However, they should leave it up to you decide when you want the process performed.
If you have signs of mold, it is important that you call in the experts. For more information about mold inspections and mold remediation, contact Florida Inspections Unlimited today at 954-861-0666.