Cheap Home Inspections Can Cost You in The Long Run

  • Post on February 11th, 2020
  • by RocketMAD
  • at Home Inspection

When you’re about to spend a lot of money on the purchase of a home, it’s tempting to want to cut corners to save a few dollars here and there.  While you probably don’t have a problem with purchasing certain household items at the dollar store, there are certain areas where cutting corners could cost you in the long run – like a home inspection.  For the most part, there are protocols or systems in place that take protect the consumer when they are purchasing costly items, with one exception – real estate.

No Refunds on Real Estate

As consumers. We will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on household items and other things.  However, the largest investment we will ever make during our lifetimes is our home.  However, unlike those consumer goods and household products that can be returned for a variety of reasons, there’s no refund on real estate.  If there’s a problem, you only have two choices.  You can fix it, or you can live with it.  So, a question arises, should you try and save a few bucks by scheduling a cheaper home inspection?

Let the Buyer Beware: a cheaper Home Inspection will cost You later on

Let’s say you purchased a home.  Granted, the price was a few thousand dollars more than you wanted to spend, but you felt it was worth it.  Since you were spending more than what you budgeted for, you decided to spend less elsewhere.  For instance, you bought a cheaper living room set, didn’t purchase that fancy mailbox, and opted for a significantly cheaper home inspection.  Did you not remember that old adage “you get what you pay for?”

Putting it in the simplest of explanations, when you pay the bare minimum for a home inspection, you get the bare minimum in quality.  Since you’re not a professional home inspector, you’re not going to know what the inspector failed to detailed properly or what issues they skipped over and weren’t in the final report.  Eventually, you’ll start noticing things and before long, that dream house you worked so hard to pay for has become a perpetual nightmare that you can’t wake up from. That is why it is important for you to get licensed and professional service to come and do the home inspection before you actually put down the money.

It’s about Protecting Your largest Investment

The safest way to ensure that your home is protected before you sign on the dotted line is to research the property as thoroughly as possible and get as much information about it as you can.  The best way to do that is by contacting Florida Inspections Unlimited at 954-861-0666.

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